SLS Lab Pro PURA-Q Primo Water Purifier Range
Using the most advanced Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology available, the PurA-Q Primo efficiently removes up to 99% of the contaminants from your mains water feed to produce Primary Grade Type 3 RO water. With a choice of four flow rates up to 80L/hr and a variety of storage options, feeding the critical equipment in [...]
SLS Lab Pro Reverse Osmosis PURA-Q Choice 20 Type 3 Water Purifiers
The SLS Lab Pro PurA-Q Choice water purification system utilises proven water purification technologies to provide Type 2 or Type 3 water, on request. Call for water from the integral 35L reservoir via the dispense tap on the front of the machine, to obtain the concise water you need, when you need it, with [...]
SLS Lab Pro PURA-Q Choice 10 Type 2 Water Purifiers
The SLS Lab Pro PurA-Q Choice water purification system utilises proven water purification technologies to provide Type 2 or Type 3 water, on request. Call for water from the integral 35L reservoir via the dispense tap on the front of the machine, to obtain the concise water you need, when you need it, with [...]
SLS Lab Pro PURA-Q+20 Type 1 and 2 Water Purifiers
SLS water purification system combines ultrapure and DI water in one unit saving you money and space. Type 2 water is ideal for buffer, reagent & media preparation, sample dilution and general chemistry. Type 1, dispensed direct from the unit or using an optional remote dispenser, is perfect for the most sensitive applications such [...]
SLS Lab Pro Digital Ultrasonic Baths
With capacities from 4.5 to 25 litres, the SLS Lab Pro Digital baths offer precise and accurate process control of time, temperature and ultrasonic power through the LCD control panel. Incorporating Frequency LEAP technology for homogeneous, repeatable ultrasonic activity throughout the tank. The SD card port means that each cycle can be validated for [...]
SLS Lab Pro Analogue Ultrasonic Baths
With capacities from 1.5L to 25L, the SLS Lab Pro Analogue baths offer simple analogue timer and temperature controls, providing entry level ultrasonic baths ideal for cleaning small items for use in a wide range of applications. Supplied with a stainless steel basket and plastic lid. SLS2006 has a non-adjustable heater element. Find out [...]
SLS Lab Pro Stirred Water Baths
SLS Lab Pro stirred water baths feature digital PID temperature control. The thermostirrer is robustly constructed from stainless steel for durability. Painted surfaces feature a tough antibacterial finish with good chemical resistance and immersed components are corrosion resistant. Quiet running in use and providing water temperature stability in the bath, an alarm indicates over [...]
SLS Lab Pro Shaking Water Baths
Shaking water bath, featuring precision PID temperature control with an option to enable a run back timer. The controls allow observation of set and actual temperature simultaneously. A broad range of accessory flask clips and racks ensures flexibility for routine and specialized work. Heaters and temperature sensor are concealed under the tank and provide [...]
Eppendorf New Brunswick Innova 40/40R Shaking Incubator
Benchtop orbitl shaker with compact design and capacity for flaskswith a volume up to 3L Find out more
Grant Instruments Unstirred Water Baths
Including JB Academy, JB Nova, SBB Aqua Plus and Sub Aqua Pro. Find out more
Grant Instruments Shaking Water Baths
LSB and OLS Aqua Pro Shaking Water Baths. Find out more
Grant Instruments Ultrasonic Baths
Grants Instruments Ultrasonic Baths. Find out more
Grant Instruments Optima TXF200 Heated Circulating Bath
Products in this range TXF200-ST5, TXF200-ST12, TXF200-ST18, TXF200-ST26, TXF200-ST38. Find out more
Grant Instruments Optima TC120 Heated Circulating Bath
Products in this range TC120-ST5, TC120-ST12, TC120-ST18, TC120-ST26, TC120-ST38. Find out more
Grant Instruments Labwise
Optional PC software compatiable with TX150 and TXF200 water baths. Find out more
Grant Instruments Optima TX150 Heated Circulating Bath
Products in this range TX150-ST5, TX150-ST12 TX150-ST18, TX150-ST26, TX150-ST38. Find out more
Grant Instruments Optima T100 Heated Circulating Bath
Products in this range T100-ST5, T100-ST12, T100-ST18, T100-ST26, T100-ST38. Find out more
Grant Instruments Heated Circulating Baths
Products in this range T100, TC120, TX150, TXF200. Find out more
SLS Flowgen Incu-Shaker Mini
The Incu-Shaker™ Mini is the most compact shaking incubator in its class. Despite the remarkably small footprint, a large 11.5 x 9.5" work space accepts several platforms and a variety of flasks, tubes and other common vessels. The standard platform (included) features a non-slip, rubber coated surface, ideal for tissue culture flasks, Petri dishes [...]
SLS Flowgen Incu-Shaker 10L
Incu-Shaker™ 10L is a heavy-duty performer, designed for heavy workloads and continuous use. Its outstanding temperature accuracy and uniformity are supported by proprietary heat distribution technology that ensures that temperatures are precisely maintained throughout the chamber. Inconsistencies due to stratification are reduced to negligible levels and the selected temperature is precisely maintained within 0.25%, [...]
Eppendorf New Brunswick Innova 42/42R Shaking Incubator
Space-saving stackable (2x) incubator shaker with possiable simulations static incubation. Find out more
Eppendorf New Brunswick Innova 44/44R Shaking Incubator
Stackable (2-3x) incubator shaker with high vessel capcity. Find out more
Eppendorf New Brunswick S41i Shaking Incubator
Medium-sized, versatile and 2x stackable CO2 shaker - ideal for growing labs. Find out more
Eppendorf Innova S44i Shaking Incubator
Most advanaced (2-3x) Incubator shaker with highest control and vessel capapcity for maxiumu yield. Find out more
Eppendorf CellXpert CS220 Shaking Incubator
High-capcity, stackable (2-3x) CO2 incubator shaker with 180C sterilization routine. Find out more
Wesbart Freezer Racking
Front or side-access available in a range of capacities. Find out more
SLS Lab Basics Mini Vacuum Pumps
The SLS Lab Basics diaphragm pumps are single-head, dry-running devices used in a wide range of laboratory applications. They transfer, compress and pump down without contamination. Find out more
Helmer Range of Plasma Thawers
Quickthaw plasma thawing systems. Find out more
Helmer Horizon Series Plasma Freezers
Horizon Series Plasma Freezers. Find out more
Helmer i.Series Plasma Freezers
i.Series Plasma Freezers. Contact Us
PHCBi Plasma Freezer Range
Biomedical -40 Plasma Freezer. Find out more
SLS Lab Pro Hydron Benchtop pH Meter
A reliable and economical benchtop meter for routine measurements of pH, mV and temperature. Featuring five-point calibration with auto-buffer recognition, automatic temperature compensation (ATC) and datalogging capabilities for the storage and recall of up to 100 data sets, the Hydron is well suited to routine applications across academic laboratories, industrial settings and education. A [...]
Leec Range of Incubator Warming Cabinets
Warming cabinets in 100L, 157L and 330L. Find out more
Helmer Range Platelet Incubators
Pro line countertop platelet incubator. Find out more
Binder Plant Growth Incubators KB, KBF & KBF PRO range
With LED plant light module in sizes of 260,470, 720, 1060 and 1600 litres. Find out more
LMS XAL Cooled Incubators
XAL models feature time-controlled dual temperature cycling and shelf lighting, a built-in high-low alarm and digital defrost as standard. Model 410XAL has a white stove-enamelled mild steel exterior, model 610XAL has a stainless steel exterior. Both models have a pre-coated aluminium chamber. Find out more
LMS Cooled Incubator Series 3
The LMS Series 3 cooled incubator is a reliable and accurate temperature controlled cabinet (-10°C to +50°C) which has proved its worth over many years in laboratories. The range comprises of 4 cabinet sizes to suit most workloads, ranging from 90 to 450L capacity. Fitted with a stainless steel interior, Series 3 cabinets are [...]
LMS Cooled Incubator Series 1A
The LMS Series 1A cooled incubators are reliable and accurate temperature controlled cabinets operating between -10 to +50°C, designed for optimum performance and reliability. Slimline cabinets specifically designed to answer the problem of limited laboratory space, but with maximum capacity and accuracy. Find out more
LMS Cooled Incubator Series 2
The LMS Series 2 cooled incubators are a reliable and accurate cooled incubator with spacious extra-wide cabinets, Series 2 provides optimal access to internal chambers. Available with standard single set point control, automatic dual temperature cycling or fully programmable with multiple temperatures and time frames. Find out more
LMS Cooled Incubators Series 4
The LMS Series 4 cooled incubators are large stainless steel cabinets with capacities of either 600 or 1200L, Series 4 incubators cope with the largest workloads. Available with standard single set point control, automatic dual temperature cycling or fully programmable with multiple temperatures and time frames. Find out more
SLS Lab Pro Laboratory Incubator Fan Assisted
Fan assisted laboratory incubators. Chamber bright polish stainless steel lagged with high efficiency thermal insulation. Digital temperature control up to 80°C with program feature run back timer. Over temperature auto set and Class 1 over temperature protection. Single insulated door, lockable with 2 point door engagement for an even seal.
SLS Lab Pro Laboratory Gravity Convection Incubators
Gravity convection laboratory incubators manufactured from chamber bright polish stainless steel lagged with high efficiency thermal insulation. Digital temperature control up to 80°C with program feature run back timer. Over temperature auto set and class 1 over temperature protection. Single insulated door, lockable with 2 point door engagement for an even seal. Find out [...]
Analox Ax60+ Modular Gas Safety System
Ax60+ Modular Gas Safety System. Find out more
Helmer Horizon Series Blood Bank Refrigerators
Horizon Series Blood Bank Refrigerators. Find out more
PHCBi Range of Blood Bank Refrigerators
Blood bank refrigerators. Find out more
Foster EP700H and EP1440H Fridges
Foster EcoPro G3 Refrigerator (+1C/+4C). Find out more
Coolmed Range Fridges
A range of solid or glass door, large or small laboratory refrigerators. Find out more
Gram Biobasic Range Fridges
The BIOBASIC range offers cost-effective biostorage solutions for a host of applications. With temperature alarms, internal and external ATEX, no cold walls and a user-friendly interface, the BIOBASIC range provides an exceptional selection of features in a very small package. With four sizes to choose from, BIOBASIC RR 600 - 610 litres. the BIOBASIC [...]
PHCBi Range MDF-DU300H-PE ULT Freezer
PRO ULT Freezers (-86C). Find out more